Thursday, July 31, 2014

What I've learned.

In ENC 1102, I have learned many valuable lessons that are sure to help me in my professional life. Chiefly I have learned how to make writing an enjoyable experience rather than a chore. I also learned how to make my writing effective with the use of rhetoric. I learned a certain kind of versatility from the many different genres I had to write and I learned how to make subjects that are usually not very interesting to the public accessible and enticing. Lastly, I learned how to approach writing to guarantee a successful piece. What still eludes me is how to write a book. I don't understand how people find enough to say to provide the length of a book. I am guaranteed to use writing in my future as a physicist. As an Undergraduate student I will probably have to write research papers and reports on the topic of physics accompanied by the subjects of history, literature, etc. As a Graduate student I will have to get many different articles published in scientific journals to establish my name and to receive my Ph.D, I will have to write a dissertation that contributes to the knowledge already had by scientists. Furthermore, I will have to write books to get published to make myself more marketable for tenure as a professor at a university. These all seem like very daunting tasks, and they are. However, I feel better equipped to take on these tasks after taking ENC 1102 and I even look forward to them.

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